7Zip all files into archive.txt
7Zip all txt files with txt extention into archive.7z and use password “secret”
7z a archive.7z -psecret -mhe *.txt
7zip create 7z of each folder in current dir (named <folder>.7z and using “password”)
for i in *; do if [ -d "$i" ]; then 7z a -t7z $i -mhe -mx9 -ppassword -x\!*7z* "$i"; fi; done
7z windows
7zip CLI (Windows)
for /d %G in (*) do "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "%G.7z" "%G\" -m0=BZip2 -mx=9 -ppassword -mhe
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "downgration.7z" "downgration\" -m0=BZip2 -mx=9