Make a noteof the existing size, and carefully record the used space.
df -h
/dev/mapper/centos-home xfs 110G 20G 80G 25% /mnt/offline_home #we will reduce this down by 60gb to leave 30gb free, 50gb total
umount /mnt/offline_home
This is very important! Failure to check your filesystem can permanantly damage your data
e2fsck -ff /dev/centos/home #IMPORTANT, ensure all 5 test pass!
resize2fs -p /dev/centos/home 45GB #The value here is the 90% of the new size!! lvreduce -L -60G /dev/centos/home #The 60G here is the amount to remove!!
This VG uses a 32Mb value.
In a 50gb partition, there would be 50GB / 32MB or 50,000 / 32 = 1,563 (round up)
resize2fs -p /dev/centos/home 45GB #The value here is the 90% of the new size!! lvreduce -l -1875 /dev/centos/home #the value is the extents to become!!
It is best to do this just in case.
e2fsck -ff /dev/centos/home #quick check for safety
resize2fs -p /dev/centos/home #Resize the filesystem up again to the full 50gb
mount /dev/centos/home /mnt/offline_home df -h /dev/mapper/centos-home xfs 50G 20G 30G 40% /mnt/offline_home